Back in the early 70’s all of the fuel sold in our marketing area was full service.  In 1974 Lakeside Service opened if first self-service station with 12 single electronic dispensers.  The attendant, located in a kiosk in the center of the station was able to turn on the dispenser and you would pay at the window after you pumped fuel.  The consumer appeal was all about price.  It was much cheaper than the traditional full service price.

Fast forward 10 years and almost all of the full service stores had installed self-service islands.  You had a choice to either pay the higher price for service or pump it yourself and save.  Almost all consumers chose to pump themselves and save.  This made it extremely difficult to be profitable with the low margins for self-service gasoline. 

In 1984 management decided to convert a full service location to self-service with a convenience store.    All dispensers were replaced with “new” pay at the pump technology and coolers were added for drinks and snacks. 

So with our first convenience store ready to open we needed a name.  Employees were asked to come up with ideas.  What will we call our first convenience store?  Mr. D. A. Versaggi recommended Stazione.  Pronounced (stay-c-own-e) Italian for Station.  Well the name stuck and Stazione Deli Market was born.